Arizona is no stranger to weird and wild things. These nine landmarks were recently named the strangest in the state by World ...
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Planning a trip to Arizona? I’m quite sure the Grand Canyon probably features on your itinerary as it is probably the most ...
The Jerome Grand Hotel, perched at the top of the town, is said to be one of the most haunted places in Arizona. Originally ...
Imagine a place where the Wild West meets modern-day charm, perched precariously on a mountainside. Welcome to Jerome, ...
Happy Statehood Day, Arizona. From Stevie Nicks and the Colorado River to creosote and Camelback Mountain, here's why we love the Grand Canyon State.
Happy Statehood Day, Arizona. From Stevie Nicks and the Colorado River to creosote and Camelback Mountain, here's why we love ...
Jo and Hutch Davis met in grade school in Phoenix. Now in their 90s they're celebrating 72 years of marriage this month.
Researchers analyzed saliva the nocturnal mammals leave behind when sipping nectar from plants and residential hummingbird ...