As we continue moving closer to the democratization of data analytics, end-users and tech staff will be making queries in ...
People use metaphors to depict AI. These guide our use of AI. I examine those metaphors. A twist is that AI itself can infuse ...
Turing's 1950 paper didn't just pose the profound question, "Can machines think?". It ignited a quest to build AI technology ...
A Seattle high school student worries that AI will render not only jobs, but creativity and effort meaningless.
If human cognition is iterative and adaptive, could AI be mirroring this process in unexpected ways? The paradox of AI’s ...
Democrats again demonstrated a glaring lack of intellect as the ranking member on the House Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade Subcommittee weighed in on “manufacturing.” U.S. Rep. Jan […] ...
So how exactly does it work? Semi-automated offside technology explained. The system aims to remove some elements of human ...
The OpenAI CEO shared his thoughts on Artificial General Intelligence and whether AI agents will take your job.