The Imperial-Tokyo Tech Global Fellows Programme 2024* will bring together doctoral students from Tokyo Tech and Imperial College London and offer an opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary ...
In this program, students will participate in internships at the NSTDA, and also attend a series of TAIST SERE intensive lectures.
In this program, students will participate in classes for embedded systems, and join group work projects designed for Thai students in the first year of their master’s program.
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The following webpages are managed by the Admissions Division.
Under the Academic Course Access Program (ACAP), Science Tokyo waives the application, enrollment, and tuition fees of undergraduate (second-year or above) and graduate-level International Exchange ...
Ookayama Campus, located in the heart of Tokyo, is home to most of the Institute's undergraduate students. It is within easy access of all major transportation hubs in and around the metropolis.
As these lists are still tentative, the contents are subject to change.
平日(祝日を除く)午前8時30分~午後5時30分 (在学生)証明書自動発行機による各種証明書の発行について 操作方法はマニュアルを参照して下さい。 ※※各証明書についてのお問い合わせは ...
Basic degree requirements for the undergraduate, Master's and Doctoral programs at the Tokyo Institute of Technology are explained below. The standard enrollment period for the Master's program is two ...
国内理工系大学トップクラスの蔵書量と広さを誇る附属図書館。先鋭的な建築フォルムは、まさに東工大の顔。 正門を抜けると現れるのは東工大博物館。複雑な立体形状が組み合わさった ...