The table below outlines the Helmet modifications for UC Vanguard Space Helmet including the Modification Slot, Description, Resources, and Item Code.
UC Vanguard Spacesuit is a Common Spacesuit in Starfield. Spacesuits are required for space exploration; without one, the player will slowly lose health and die while in space or on a planet ...
Having good skills, great weapons, and impregnable armor in Starfield is crucial ... outpost base if you’re looking to join the UC Vanguard or stay loyal to Constellation, two of the best ...
Head inside to speak with Commander Tuala, who will assign you a Supra Et Ultra mission in Starfield. Progress to this quest to join the Vanguard. Later, you will be granted the citizenship of the ...
Joining the lowest-ranked faction on our list in Starfield still yields some great rewards. These include Ranger Justifier Pistol, Ranger Armor, and 70,000 credits. Can you Join Multiple Factions ...