Do past mistakes justify new ones? Some supporters of President Donald Trump's Administration are pointing to historical ...
Abraham Lincoln was born on this day in 1809 in Kentucky. He would go on to rank among the best presidents in U.S. history, and he still makes news headlines when referenced by today's politicians.
A retired major sporting a black beard acted as Abraham Lincoln and a retired lieutenant colonel dressed in full colonial garb represented George Washington. Both gave speeches honoring the ...
Donald Trump has made a bold claim about his popularity, implying that at one point he was adored more than George Washington and Abraham Lincoln combined - two of the most highly-regarded ...
But Gettysburg has also been a symbol of America’s commitments to freedom and democracy, thanks to the immortal speech that Abraham Lincoln delivered there on Nov. 19, 1863. Trump’s comments ...
What a difference a year makes—or in this case just four weeks since Trump’s inauguration ... Day heroes George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Advertisement Washington was the key founder ...
“I think it would be hard if George Washington came back from the dead, and he chose Abraham Lincoln as his vice president, I think it would have been very hard for them to beat me," Trump once ...